Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Too Fucking Long

Five months.

Almost five months have gone by since my last post here.

I REALLY have to start working on updating this a bit more, and maybe with the oodles of newfound time, maybe my 'complex' and 'selfish' writings will be more appreciated by those of you who are reading. After all, I can't continue to sit bored at my house while everyone else gets their smiles on, and if I have any hope of getting myself back on track...

Let me stop there.

A lot of you are probably confused as hell with that statement. After all, the last time I had written on here, I was in the middle of finding my own place. Well, that has since occurred, and for a while things were excitable. But I have since reverted back to my goddamn Eyeore ways.

Obviously, something was wrong.

I began to hate everything I did, including writing (that right there should tip off my closest friends something wasn't right, as I LOVE to put my thoughts and ideas down on paper), mainly because I was starting to get told that my stuff was, to quote one of them in particular, "very selfish". The complexity was apparently too much for some people to handle. Okay, fine, I don't mind being told this stuff. Unfortunately, this stuff wasn't exactly being told to me DIRECTLY, moreso after I'd already left the groups I'd been participating in. Yeah, there's a way to get people inspired to get better...wait till after they've given up and won't hear your opinions to lay it hard.

Then again, the same thing has been said about me on a personal level, so I shouldn't be too damn surprised.

And people wonder why I don't socialize very much...

And aside from my visits from Zayvin every other weekend, I barely had any reason to smile. Seriously, I still don't. I don't get any sort of enjoyment from the things I used to (including decapitations on Dragon Age, my former favorite hobby), my impulsion has come back full force, and...

I've begun to do something again in a much more visible way.

This isn't just from one thing, though. There are a LOT of things going on in my life that I can't speak about, because I've been asked by people involved not to. Although there are a few things contributing more than others, I just...snapped.

I've since sought out help for what's been going on, but I need something to do in order to keep my mind focused and not have it be tempted to repeat the past.

So lucky you, fuckers, you get to read my more insane moments, just like the good old days of Myspace.

God help us...I think the era of the Cornett Multiverse might finally be back for good this time...